Thinking Happy Thoughts
Thinking Happy Thoughts
World of Healing
Do you have friends or relatives who never seem to be able to be happy?
They always find fault with everything and everyone and seem to enjoy being miserable.
Some of you Brits reading this may remember the T.V. comedy series “One Foot in the Grave” with Victor Meldrew”
His repetitive line was “ I don’t believe it!”
The character epitomized the archetypal grumpy old man and whilst very funny we never really saw him happy or content.
Did you know that by just prefixing “but” to every negative thought you produced, you could transform all negative thoughts into positive ones?
The result? You could transform all your unhappiness into happiness!
For example:
“I feel like I will never lose weight” becomes “I feel like I will never lose weight, but I know there are other people who used to be exactly like me and made it happen!”
“I will never find love” becomes “I will never find love if I keep staying at home just like I am right now, but if I start going out more, my luck might change.”
“I will never pay off this debt” becomes “I will never pay off this debt, but I could pay some of it if I start saving $100 more every month.”
After a while your brain creates neural pathways that build the habit of thinking “but” every time you start to think negatively, elevating your level of happiness dramatically.
Did you know there are nearly twice as many negative words in the dictionary as positive ones?
We also tend to hang onto negative news rather than positive news.
If anyone humiliates us it has a lasting effect – compliments and praise rarely stick.
So, does this affect our health?
You bet it does!!
Find a positive, happy person and you will rarely see them ill – their bodies are usually in balance, their immune system is working as it should and their outlook on life ensures they are very rarely ill.
People who are seriously ill but who have a positive outlook and are happy in themselves are the ones who get better. The “Victor Meldrews” of the world struggle to get back into full health because they are too busy whining and moaning about everything.
So – make a conscious decision about YOUR life – that despite all of life’s challenges – choose to be happy and look for all the good things that are going on.
Remember – “Nothing can dim the light that shines within”
With Love & Light,