Posts tagged Love
Just be Your True Loving Self!

One of the things many people are afraid to be is their true essence. There is a fear that if we are our genuine selves, people would not like us. If they knew this about me – they would run to the hills!

So instead we pretend to be what we think people want us to be.

This is a sure way to self-destruct in the long term and many clients I see who are suffering from a variety of health issues, have relationship problems which are causing the imbalance in their bodies.

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The Power of Love

It can and has been scientifically proven. In a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry[2], scientists found that wounds heal faster in couples who are in a stable and loving relationship. The reverse was also true. People in hostile relationships tended to have slower wound healing capacity. Thought to be due to the pro-inflammatory cytokines released when a person was sad, lonely or the subject of abuse, the presence of this compound was found to be much lower in people who were in love.

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