A Little Compassion Goes a Long Way!
A Little Compassion
Goes a Long Way!
Qualities of compassion are patience and wisdom; kindness and perseverance; warmth and resolve. It is often, though not inevitably, the key component in what manifests in the social context as altruism.
One reason why compassion is important is that it holds significant benefits for our health. In fact, it may have played a pivotal role in our survival as a species.
Positive Psychology founder Martin Seligman tells us that connecting with others in a meaningful way [being compassionate] improves physical and mental health and even helps prevent diseases.
Compassion motivates people to go out of their way to help the physical, mental, or emotional pains of another and themselves and is often regarded as having sensitivity, which is an emotional aspect of suffering.
I have been very fortunate in life and worked as a volunteer in two hospitals giving energy healing and witnessed firsthand the amazing compassion that nurses have.
Both were oncology departments and to see the way in which nurses genuinely care for their patients is a humbling experience.
Nothing is too much trouble and they are there for the tears, laughter, hope, and disappointments, demonstrating the true meaning of being compassionate.
Helping to alleviate the suffering of another has to be the ultimate proof of our natural instinct to be able to want to help others – and in doing so we help ourselves.
Compassion is a natural instinct within all of us but it stifled when we lack mindfulness and are not present in life.
During the next week – show compassion just to one person – do it from your heart with no ulterior motive other than wanting to help them.
You will be amazed at how good it makes you feel.
Remember – “Nothing can dim the light that shines within”
Try it and see!
With Love & Light,