The angel card I drew this morning was “Compassion” so let’s explore what it really means and check out if you are a compassionate person!
I often get asked what qualities you need to become a good healer – and I always say the same thing – you need a strong desire to want to help people, you need compassion, you need patience and you need to believe in a power greater than us.
Healers are motivated to go out of their way to help others who are suffering through physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual pain, and whist it is something you can perhaps learn, I feel that compassion comes from the heart and you either have it or you don’t!
As we experience the planetary changes happening right now I try to avoid watching the news or reading newspapers as there seems to be an inordinate amount of anger, cruelty, and total disregard for the sanctity of life.
We seem to have lost the plot!!
I know I am beginning to sound like my old Dad who thought the world was coming to an end in the era of “Teddy Boys” and “Mods and Rockers” but I often wonder where is the compassion in some of the actions we see by some individuals. What is it they must have experienced in their lives to be the way they are with a blatant disregard for others?
As our planet is being bombarded with higher energy frequencies and we are being changed from rigid, linear, carbon-based beings into multi-dimensional beings we are able to choose do we want Love or Hate, Faith or Fear, Joy or Despair, Spiritual or Material.
By showing compassion to others we cannot necessarily change them, but we can lead by example – and this in turn has a positive knock-on effect on others.
Remember – “Nothing can dim the light that shines within”
Try it and see!
With Love & Light,