A Higher Vibrational Frequency

Knowing that like attracts like – what happens then is that we only bring into our bio-field things of the same or higher vibrational rates. So, we attract positive people, we attract positive situations, we attract financial abundance and so on.

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articleRoger FordComment
‘Quantum Entanglement’

The science behind distant healing – sometime calledQuantum Entanglement’ refers to a phenomenon observed by physicists, in which 2 elementary particles, emitted from the same source, remain aware of each other even after distant separation, so that an action on one causes the same effect in both.

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articleRoger FordComment
Why is it so hard to let go?

We’ve all been blessed with heart-breaking situations where people have wronged us or things haven’t gone the way we would like. Moving past them is difficult. If you’ve ended a relationship, job, or time in your life, it’s tough to let go and move on.

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articleRoger FordComment
Tears of Sorrow, Tears of Joy

As one of 4 boys, we were taught that “men don’t cry” and therefore we were not encouraged to talk about any emotions we were going through. Men are supposed to be “manly” and certainly never allowed to cry. Fortunately, things have changed and we all appreciate more the value of being able to cry – tears of sorrow, tears of joy, and tears of release. There is a far greater understanding of how we can release past issues and trauma and how empowering that can be.

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articleRoger FordComment
Abundance Consciousness

To attract abundance into your life, you need to feel abundant. You have to develop an “abundance consciousness”. By that, I mean becoming aware of the existence of plenty of everything, of feeling it in your life, and of connecting with it, even if it doesn’t seem to be a part of your life at this moment.

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articleRoger FordComment
Nothing Really Belongs to You

To offer everything to the Divine in whatever form you choose is the first and final step to letting go of the old and building the world that you've always dreamed possible.

In fact, although in your possession, nothing really belongs to you, you just temporarily borrow everything.

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Higher Vibrational Living

Higher vibrational living awaits you as you consciously choose to ascend. Put in the time to meditate, to open your heart and link with the Divine and with the realms of spirit, and to release that which is not in alignment with who you are becoming.

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articleRoger FordComment
More Than Just Flesh and Bone

Awakening and spirituality are both a part of ascension. As you learn to take control of your awareness and attention, you are able to ‘wake up' to the authentic nature of your spirit and to empower yourself to consciously align with higher consciousness, wisdom, and with the Divine in every moment.

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Humor is all Around us

Some years ago, we went to see Billy Connolly live in LA, and although he may not be everyone’s “cup of tea” I have to say he was very funny and I came out of the theatre with muscle aches from laughing. A couple of days later I was telling a friend and she said “Wow – what did he talk about?” You know what – I couldn’t remember a word he said!

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Have Yourself a “Laughter Evening”

There is a lot of documented evidence about the benefits of laughter – and even though things may be tough in your life right now and the last thing you want to do is laugh, it can be the catalyst to “raise your spirit”. When we laugh the body produces more endorphins and people who laugh have more joy in their lives – and are often sick a lot less.

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The Definition of Integrity

The definition of Integrity is that it is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.

To me a person of integrity is someone who has a strong character and can be totally honest because they have nothing to hide because there is no fear of being “caught out”.

They usually have confidence in themselves and always see the best in others.

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“Online or Live” Intuitive Holistic Energy Healing Sessions

“Online or Live” Intuitive Holistic Energy Healing Sessions with Co-Founder of Healing in America, Roger Ford.

Our private sessions offer one-on-one healing. These sessions are for those people who need the safety and comfort of privacy in order to explore the imbalance of mind, body, and spirit. Individual healing sessions are powerful experiences and can help with issues ranging from the minor to life threatening.

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