Sometimes its good to force yourself into the scenario you are afraid of and allow yourself to be fully afraid. Feel the fear pulsing through you; observe it but try your best not to be overcome by it.
Read MoreThese sessions are specifically for Veterans and their families who are seeking help on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Healing is the channeling of healing energy to help relax, re-energize and to allow the recipients own body to come back into balance in order to help the healing process.
Read MoreYou do not have to be a hero to show courage – it’s doing something in spite of fear. Courage is stepping up to the podium, crossing the finish line, walking through the door, packing your bags, or telling your story regardless of the fact you are shaking in your boots. The focus should not be on reducing fear, but increasing courage.
Read MoreSome of the most courageous people I have met have been clients with so-called “terminal illnesses” and yet shown amazing strength of character and determination to prove the medical profession wrong – and fully recovered to full health.
Read MoreKindness lasts in a world made of things that do not. Showing care, empathy, and love – the “invisible” elements that make life worth living – are ways to make certain that our spirit remains present long after our journey has passed.
Read MoreQualities of compassion are patience and wisdom; kindness and perseverance; warmth and resolve. It is often, though not inevitably, the key component in what manifests in the social context as altruism.
One reason why compassion is important is that it holds significant benefits for our health. In fact, it may have played a pivotal role in our survival as a species.
Read MoreMaybe you’ve had a moment where you bought something you liked. Little did you know that your best friend was at a shop across town buying that exact same item. These things happen in sync, and they can even be a message from the “universe.” So, how do you experience this amazing phenomenon?
Read MoreHave you ever experienced that profound moment in time when you feel totally connected to everything? You feel at one with yourself, with nature, and with every living thing. Unfortunately for many of us those moments do not last but just to have a taste is something you never forget.
Read MoreOur emotions evolved to keep us safe. Our fight response, which evolved so we could defend ourselves from an enemy or danger, stems from anger. Anger is embedded in our primitive need to live and protect ourselves against aggression. Anger drives people to be extremely vigilant about threats and sharpens our focus. When we are threatened or attacked by a predator, anger is automatically activated and pushes us to fight back and act quickly and forcefully to protect ourselves.
Read MoreThis workshop will give you the knowledge, experience, and tools to be able to heal yourself - and others.
Read MoreStrange as it may seem, angry people, tend to be more optimistic!
This finding may seem particularly surprising since many of us tend to view angry people in generally negative terms.
Read MoreWhen you become angry your heart races, your body temperature rises, and you feel ready for an outburst that expresses how angry you really are. You may be tempted to hold back your anger, but this may not always be the best approach. It turns out anger has a beneficial side too. This emotion is often hidden or repressed, but anger can be helpful and even healthy.
Read MoreDevelop your gift to heal yourself, others and bring balance to your mind, body and spirit.
At Healing in America, our core belief is that everyone has an innate ability to heal themselves and others. Through training and mentoring, we believe individuals can learn to access and develop their energy healing gift.. Energy healing helps to restore balance, free the body of blocked energy, improve emotional well-being and reduce the damaging effects of stress. An integrative approach to healthcare and wellness is the key to provide good health to all. Whatever the body creates – it can also take it away!
Are you ready to discover the power within you?
Read MoreDid you know that we have between 40,000-80,000 thoughts every day? Makes you realized then that the thousands of negative thoughts you were having on a daily basis were preventing you from not only enjoying life’s experiences but draining your energy and distracting you from focusing on what was important in your life. In this article, you will understand why you have negative thoughts and how to deal with them.
Read MoreFor those of you old enough will remember the song from the movie “South Pacific” many years ago – as I recall it was the first movie with a curved screen and stereophonic and at the time was sensational. So, what is Happy talk?
Read MoreDid you know that by just prefixing “but” to every negative thought you produced, you could transform all negative thoughts into positive ones? After a while your brain creates neural pathways that build the habit of thinking “but” every time you start to think negatively, elevating your level of happiness dramatically.
Read MoreSome 2,000 years ago the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”
And this holds true today.
Read MoreOne of the things many people are afraid to be is their true essence. There is a fear that if we are our genuine selves, people would not like us. If they knew this about me – they would run to the hills!
So instead we pretend to be what we think people want us to be.
This is a sure way to self-destruct in the long term and many clients I see who are suffering from a variety of health issues, have relationship problems which are causing the imbalance in their bodies.
Read MoreI wonder how many relationships fail to flourish because no one could be bothered to say those few magical words. There is a price to pay for not making the attempt. You may suffer a lost connection or never learn from having made a mistake. Either way, not expressing your love, you are the less for holding back where you might have given.
Read MoreThis workshop is designed for nurses. It will be led by certified Healing in America trainers Laurie DeDecker, RN, Rachel Rebain RN, BSN, and HIA Co-Founder Roger Ford, will show you how to reconnect more fully with your life purpose through guided meditation and basic knowledge of simple energy-based methods that can bring body, mind, spirit, and emotion into better balance.
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