Feeling loved and cared for is also an important factor in happiness. For many people, having a healthy, nurturing relationship is a significant determinant of their happiness. The need to love and care for others is just as strong as the need to be loved and cared for. It's a hard-wired, deeply felt need.
Read MoreIt can and has been scientifically proven. In a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry[2], scientists found that wounds heal faster in couples who are in a stable and loving relationship. The reverse was also true. People in hostile relationships tended to have slower wound healing capacity. Thought to be due to the pro-inflammatory cytokines released when a person was sad, lonely or the subject of abuse, the presence of this compound was found to be much lower in people who were in love.
Read MoreForgiveness means different things to different people. Generally, however, it involves a decision to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge.
The act that hurt or offended you might always be with you, but forgiveness can lessen its grip on you and help free you from the control of the person who harmed you. Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurt you – strange as it may seem.
Read MoreIs there no end to taking offense and forming grudges? Where is this now accepted social standard of getting even taking us? Does resentment build up within us over smaller and smaller things? And for those who have truly been hurt, where over time will their bitterness take them if left unchecked?
Read MoreIn the last few days we have witnessed extraordinary scenes in our country that are beyond the comprehension of many – and I wonder what effect seeing these will have on our children.
Many of them are at home and have no school friends in which they can share their thoughts, fears, and concerns. How can we as parents justify what has, and still is, happening in our world?
Read MoreThe theme this month is around “Forgiveness” – and as we are starting a New Year, maybe this is a good time to examine whether there are areas in our lives where we are still holding negative emotions about things or people from our past. When we think about those situations does it bring up powerful feelings? Do we contemplate on how unfair and unjust that situation was?
Read MoreMany of you join us on the first Thursday of each month for our Guided Meditation and Distant Healing prayers – how effective is it really?
Well having offered it for the last 38 years – my own experience it that it can be very effective – and we have had quite a lot of positive feedback from participants. A few weeks ago one of our members called to say that a relative was going through cancer, but after receiving distant healing from our group, had been told her cancer was in remission. A coincidence? I don’t think so. Science and Spirituality are now becoming more closely entwined and yesterday’s “miracles” are now scientifically accepted.
Read MoreOver the years working as a healer, one of the key factors in seeing people get better is their attitude and determination to return to full health. Usually, when people come for healing they are open-minded and want to get better, and obviously, that helps with recovery. However, there are those who are not!
Read MoreTo be a healer, we always feel compassion for clients and their issues and when I started my healing practice many years ago, often I did not charge for my healing. What I found was that people who received the healing for free did not value it – they forgot appointment times, turned up late, and in some cases did not get better. The non-charging issue I later discovered was not with the patients – but with me!
Read MoreOften people come for a healing session for a problem they may have had for many years – and their expectation is that they should be instantly healed. Whilst this does happen – sometimes it takes time and the client also needs to make changes to their lifestyle.
Read MoreAs you may be aware, in the first 6 or 7 years of our lives the foundation of our beliefs are formed in our subconscious minds – which in turn affects us throughout the whole of our lives. All those things we experience, we hear, we see, we are told - all create the world we believe to be true – and we then look for evidence to prove we are right!
Read MoreI have seen so many people improve and get well by addressing and releasing stuck emotions I know this is the primary cause of so much illness and suffering. By keeping ourselves in balance, eating the right food, being in the right relationship, having a job we love, having a spiritual practice, supportive friends, and a positive attitude towards life I believe we will not become ill.
Read MoreMy belief is that everyone has an innate ability to be able to heal both themselves – and others -but often it needs an event to “trigger” it off. Often this is through an illness, the loss of someone close, receiving healing for a condition or a realization about our impermanence.
Read MoreJoin us for our online Rekindle Your Light session. We will share with you a guided meditation and other simple techniques to help you reconnect with Light, Love, and Unity so you can rekindle the Light within you!
Read MoreNow more than ever it’s important to look after yourself and protect your energy and vitality. The content this week aims to give you some tips on how to better protect your own sacred energy and wellbeing. As always, we would love to hear from you too! What do you do to protect your sense of well-being?
Read MoreLike many other organizations, since the pandemic, we have been unable to use our Holistic Healing Center here in Ojai, CA for workshops, talks, and community events. Having been here over 10 years we are determined to maintain the space to help as many people as we can – but need your help.
Read MoreThere has never been a more important time to be part of a community – to understand you are not alone in this shift of consciousness as collectively we start to create the sort of world we want for ourselves and our children. Wherever you are, we are only a thought away.
Read MoreJoin Healing in America on the FIRST Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm PST for a group distant healing and meditation event.
Read MoreOften on healing workshops, you will hear the expression “We need to Ground Ourselves” which simply means we are consciously centering our soul – our essence – in our body and then connecting with mother earth.
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