It Must be Karma

Have you ever met someone who has blamed Karma as an excuse for having so many challenges in life? “I’m not getting better because it’s Karmic” or “I can never be happy because it’s Karma” – “I must have been a bad person in a previous life as everything seems to go wrong – it must be Karma!”

Well maybe – or do some people use it as an excuse?

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What Does Acting with Integrity Look Like?

Integrity is a word that we hear almost every day but we seldom take the time to think about it. Integrity is similar to ethics, honesty, and trustworthiness—they are a moral code of values that affect our behavior. Integrity is about doing the right thing in every situation, whether it’s convenient or not. But what does a person acting with integrity look like?

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articleRoger FordComment

Making judgments comes from a balanced and neutral mind. On the other hand, judgmentalism comes from an imbalanced and reactive mind that is seeking to protect itself from being hurt by others.

As a healer, clients do confide in you and you do hear some pretty horrific tales.

So, we need to put ourselves in our clients shoes and see the world from their perspective and be nonjudgmental, accepting them exactly the way they are.

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articleRoger FordComment
Being Discerning

On our healing workshops we often talk about the importance hanging out with people who make us feel good.

People who are always whining and complaining affect out energy field and very soon we can find we are doing the same – lowering our vibration to their level.

So – are we being judgmental – or just discerning?

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The Greatest Courage

As a healer, I have witnessed so many courageous acts with clients over the years – where people have been told they have a limited amount of time to live and despite all the odds, have had the strength and courage to regain their health.

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articleRoger FordComment
“Molecules of Emotion”

The founder of the Silva Method, Jose Silva, believed that 90% of illness comes from the mind itself. Therefore, most illnesses can be reversed by the mind. Our beliefs about healing are crucial to all aspects of wellness. Our entire molecular system is mediated by hormones – the “molecules of emotion” – triggered by our thoughts and beliefs.

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articleRoger FordComment
Thoughts are Living Things

We know that thoughts are living things so if we think we not going to get better - the chances are we won’t. This happens when we are told by the medical profession, we only have x weeks or months to live – it’s like the kiss of death - and only the very strong or people who very determined to prove they are wrong – can get back to full health.

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articleRoger FordComment

It feels good to have a sense of purpose, knowing that you are using your skills to help others in a way that matters to you.

But how do you go about finding your purpose if it’s not obvious to you? Is it something you develop naturally over the course of a lifetime? Or are there steps you can take to encourage more purpose in your life?

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articleRoger FordComment
Negative News

Have you noticed how much of the news we see and hear is negative news?

Have you thought about what that does to us - always hearing what is wrong with the world, how people are suffering everywhere, how there is a shortage of this or that, how the world is a dangerous place, and so on?

Well, it sure doesn’t cheer you up!

They say that good news doesn’t sell newspapers, but I wonder if that’s true.

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articleRoger FordComment
Spread a Little Love

So, let’s put into action many of the things you have learned this year – gratitude, forgiveness, giving unconditional love, willingness to give to others, letting go, creating abundance, to surrender, and to laugh – at ourselves and to others.

Have a magical Holiday.

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articleRoger FordComment
Introspective Moments

These introspective moments of solitude are perfect for thinking about your summer adventures, indulging in nostalgia for those happy sunny days, and feeling thankful for the experiences and emotions they brought you.

After all, “It’s not happy people who are thankful; it is thankful people who are happy,” don’t you agree?

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articleRoger FordComment
Holiday Season Gatherings

All types of “gatherings” can bring up past memories where maybe things were said and done which in hindsight we could have been handled differently. If we have been at the receiving end of harsh words or arguments that have got out of hand and we then come into contact again with the perpetrator of that event, how do we handle it?

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articleRoger FordComment
Reflection on this Past Year

I am not a great believer in spending too much time examining the past – after all it has past! – neither too much time worrying about the future – its not happened yet! – so I try to live in the present.

However, none of our lives are the same as they were 2 years ago. We have had opportunities to look inwards and for many of us our priorities have changed. What we once perceived as important may not be so important now.

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articleRoger FordComment
Gratitude Improves Psychological Health

Gratitude reduces a multitude of toxic emotions, from envy and resentment to frustration and regret. Robert Emmons, a leading gratitude researcher, has conducted multiple studies on the link between gratitude and well-being.

His research confirms that gratitude effectively increases happiness and reduces depression.

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articleRoger FordComment
What is my Purpose in Life?

As far back as the fourth century BC, Aristotle was pondering life’s purpose and developing his theory of teleology, or the idea that everything in life has purpose. In today’s fast-paced, technology-filled world where we are being pulled in many directions at once, finding your purpose seems more important than ever.

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