Abundance Consciousness

To attract abundance into your life, you need to feel abundant. You have to develop an “abundance consciousness”. By that, I mean becoming aware of the existence of plenty of everything, of feeling it in your life, and of connecting with it, even if it doesn’t seem to be a part of your life at this moment.

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Science is now showing that loneliness can cause many physically and emotionally damaging health issues – many of which were observed during the Covid-19 isolation period.

Loneliness is a universal human emotion that is both complex and unique to each individual. Because it has no single common cause, the prevention and treatment of this potentially damaging state of mind can vary dramatically.

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Healers are motivated to go out of their way to help others who are suffering through physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual pain, and whist it is something you can perhaps learn, I feel that compassion comes from the heart and you either have it or you don’t!

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The Knee-jerk Blame Reaction

We often start a sentence with “You Always” or “You Never.” These toxic prefaces are classic blame shifters. You ALWAYS forget to check the calendar, or You NEVER let me know things in advance. It’s ALL your fault, and I BLAME you.

Do these remarks sound familiar?

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articleRoger FordComment

There was a time when I was working, I felt I should have been spending more time with my family and relaxing – and when I was with my family and relaxing, I felt I should have been at work!

Have you ever felt the same?

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The Connection Between Happiness and Health

As you may have guessed there is a connection between happiness and health.

According to research, certain personal attributes can help people avoid or manage certain diseases such as stroke, diabetes, and heart attacks.

It is said that having a sense of enthusiasm or being optimistic is the key to a happier and healthier life.

Some 2,000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”

And this holds true today.

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What does synchronicity mean spiritually?

What does synchronicity mean spiritually?

It means that you are collaborating with fate. You are tuned in and tapped in to your Divine nature and you are being guided and directed by something Bigger than yourself.

When Carl Jung first published his ideas around synchronicity, it raised quite a few eyebrows in the world of science and psychology. As a man of science, these ideas seemed very woo-woo to many.

Here are a few situations you may feel you would ignore – but should you?

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Spirit Guides

So what do we know about our guides?

As I have mentioned before, we are going through many changes as high-frequency energy bombards our planet, raising our consciousness and vibration – whether you believe in it or not!

So, as we make these changes – it would be useful to realize that we are not alone, and that there are spirit beings who are always there for us to help during these times.

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What’s Happening Now

What’s happening on Planet Earth right now is not random; it’s not coincidental. The rising energies are bringing to the surface people’s buried desires to live differently.

In order for change to happen we must bring negativity to the surface in order to clear it – we have buried it for too long.

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Moral Emotion

A definition of Guilt is “Guilt is a moral emotion that occurs when a person believes or realizes—accurately or not—that they have compromised their own standards of conduct or have violated universal moral standards and bear significant responsibility for that violation. Guilt is closely related to the concept of remorse, regret, as well as shame”

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Rewire Your Brain with Gratitude

Did you know that gratitude can lead to feelings of love, appreciation, generosity, and compassion, which further opens our hearts and helps to rewire our brains to fire in more positive ways?

According to Psychology Today, the regular practice of gratitude can change how our brain neurons fire into more positive automatic patterns.

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To Dis-able

According to Susan Howitch “A cure signified the banishment of physical illness, but a healing could mean not just a physical cure, but a repairing and strengthening of the mind and spirit to improve the quality of life even when no physical cure was possible.”

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articleRoger FordComment
If only…

Having a balance between work and play is really important.

If a good work-life balance is not met in your job, it’s likely that you will start to build negative feelings towards work or your employer, and it could also take its toll on your health. In order to be happy at work and maintain the drive to work to the best of your ability, it’s important for you to be able to balance work and your personal life so that you are not deprived of doing things you enjoy outside of work and are living a healthy lifestyle.

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articleRoger FordComment