Kindness lasts in a world made of things that do not. Showing care, empathy, and love – the “invisible” elements that make life worth living – are ways to make certain that our spirit remains present long after our journey has passed.
Read MoreQualities of compassion are patience and wisdom; kindness and perseverance; warmth and resolve. It is often, though not inevitably, the key component in what manifests in the social context as altruism.
One reason why compassion is important is that it holds significant benefits for our health. In fact, it may have played a pivotal role in our survival as a species.
Read MoreMaybe you’ve had a moment where you bought something you liked. Little did you know that your best friend was at a shop across town buying that exact same item. These things happen in sync, and they can even be a message from the “universe.” So, how do you experience this amazing phenomenon?
Read MoreHave you ever experienced that profound moment in time when you feel totally connected to everything? You feel at one with yourself, with nature, and with every living thing. Unfortunately for many of us those moments do not last but just to have a taste is something you never forget.
Read MoreOur emotions evolved to keep us safe. Our fight response, which evolved so we could defend ourselves from an enemy or danger, stems from anger. Anger is embedded in our primitive need to live and protect ourselves against aggression. Anger drives people to be extremely vigilant about threats and sharpens our focus. When we are threatened or attacked by a predator, anger is automatically activated and pushes us to fight back and act quickly and forcefully to protect ourselves.
Read MoreStrange as it may seem, angry people, tend to be more optimistic!
This finding may seem particularly surprising since many of us tend to view angry people in generally negative terms.
Read MoreWhen you become angry your heart races, your body temperature rises, and you feel ready for an outburst that expresses how angry you really are. You may be tempted to hold back your anger, but this may not always be the best approach. It turns out anger has a beneficial side too. This emotion is often hidden or repressed, but anger can be helpful and even healthy.
Read MoreDid you know that we have between 40,000-80,000 thoughts every day? Makes you realized then that the thousands of negative thoughts you were having on a daily basis were preventing you from not only enjoying life’s experiences but draining your energy and distracting you from focusing on what was important in your life. In this article, you will understand why you have negative thoughts and how to deal with them.
Read MoreFor those of you old enough will remember the song from the movie “South Pacific” many years ago – as I recall it was the first movie with a curved screen and stereophonic and at the time was sensational. So, what is Happy talk?
Read MoreDid you know that by just prefixing “but” to every negative thought you produced, you could transform all negative thoughts into positive ones? After a while your brain creates neural pathways that build the habit of thinking “but” every time you start to think negatively, elevating your level of happiness dramatically.
Read MoreSome 2,000 years ago the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”
And this holds true today.
Read MoreOne of the things many people are afraid to be is their true essence. There is a fear that if we are our genuine selves, people would not like us. If they knew this about me – they would run to the hills!
So instead we pretend to be what we think people want us to be.
This is a sure way to self-destruct in the long term and many clients I see who are suffering from a variety of health issues, have relationship problems which are causing the imbalance in their bodies.
Read MoreI wonder how many relationships fail to flourish because no one could be bothered to say those few magical words. There is a price to pay for not making the attempt. You may suffer a lost connection or never learn from having made a mistake. Either way, not expressing your love, you are the less for holding back where you might have given.
Read MoreFeeling loved and cared for is also an important factor in happiness. For many people, having a healthy, nurturing relationship is a significant determinant of their happiness. The need to love and care for others is just as strong as the need to be loved and cared for. It's a hard-wired, deeply felt need.
Read MoreIt can and has been scientifically proven. In a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry[2], scientists found that wounds heal faster in couples who are in a stable and loving relationship. The reverse was also true. People in hostile relationships tended to have slower wound healing capacity. Thought to be due to the pro-inflammatory cytokines released when a person was sad, lonely or the subject of abuse, the presence of this compound was found to be much lower in people who were in love.
Read MoreForgiveness means different things to different people. Generally, however, it involves a decision to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge.
The act that hurt or offended you might always be with you, but forgiveness can lessen its grip on you and help free you from the control of the person who harmed you. Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurt you – strange as it may seem.
Read MoreIs there no end to taking offense and forming grudges? Where is this now accepted social standard of getting even taking us? Does resentment build up within us over smaller and smaller things? And for those who have truly been hurt, where over time will their bitterness take them if left unchecked?
Read MoreIn the last few days we have witnessed extraordinary scenes in our country that are beyond the comprehension of many – and I wonder what effect seeing these will have on our children.
Many of them are at home and have no school friends in which they can share their thoughts, fears, and concerns. How can we as parents justify what has, and still is, happening in our world?
Read MoreThe theme this month is around “Forgiveness” – and as we are starting a New Year, maybe this is a good time to examine whether there are areas in our lives where we are still holding negative emotions about things or people from our past. When we think about those situations does it bring up powerful feelings? Do we contemplate on how unfair and unjust that situation was?
Read MoreMany of you join us on the first Thursday of each month for our Guided Meditation and Distant Healing prayers – how effective is it really?
Well having offered it for the last 38 years – my own experience it that it can be very effective – and we have had quite a lot of positive feedback from participants. A few weeks ago one of our members called to say that a relative was going through cancer, but after receiving distant healing from our group, had been told her cancer was in remission. A coincidence? I don’t think so. Science and Spirituality are now becoming more closely entwined and yesterday’s “miracles” are now scientifically accepted.
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